R.B. Automazione will partecipate as Exhibitor at the 11th annual Eurocoke Summit 2015 in Amsterdam from April 14th to 16th 2015.
R.B. Automazione will partecipate as Exhibitor at the 11th annual Eurocoke Summit 2015 in Amsterdam from April 14th to 16th 2015.
We are proud to announce that R.B. Automazione will participate as exhibitor at the MET COKE World Summit 2014 – October 27-29, 2014 in Chicago, IL. We invite you to visit our booth at the Metcoke to meet our Staff getting more info about instruments manufactured by R.B. Automazione. More details about the Conference on the Organization web site (http://www.metcokeworldsummit.com)
R.B. AUTOMAZIONE will be closed for summer holidays from 11th to 22th August ! Our offices will be open starting from Monday 25 of August.
We want to announce that R.B. Automazione is now officially moved to a new Company headquarters
The R.B. Automazione is moving to a new address. Please update your database, contact lists and address books.
We want to thank all the attendants to our stand at Eurocoke 2014 held in Edinburgh from 28 to 30 April.
R.B. Automazione at the 10th edition of Eurocoke Summit 2014, 28 – 30 April 2014 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
We want to thank all the attendants to the MetCoke World Summit held in Pittsburgh from 4 to 6 of November 2013…
Visit us at MetCoke World Summit 2013 November 4-6, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Booth n. 09!
More info at: www.metcokeworldsummit.com